Tim Avery Birding.com

Utah Bird Photos

Since 1996 I have taken nearly 1,000,000 photos. Of those about 14,000 have made it to this website, including over 1,000 species of birds that have been viewed more than 400,000 times.

Northern Beardless-Tyrannulet nbty_01.jpg

1 files, last one added on Sep 16, 2010
Album viewed 195 times

Olive-sided Flycatcher osfl_02.jpg

10 files, last one added on Jun 02, 2011
Album viewed 208 times

Western Wood-Pewee wwpe2.jpg

17 files, last one added on May 30, 2017
Album viewed 221 times

Cordilleran Flycatcher cofl_05.jpg

28 files, last one added on May 30, 2017
Album viewed 231 times

Acadian Flycatcher empid0606.jpg

1 files, last one added on Dec 19, 2007
Album viewed 187 times

Willow Flycatcher wifl_02.jpg

17 files, last one added on Aug 25, 2015
Album viewed 211 times

Yellow-bellied Flycatcher ybfl_03.jpg

10 files, last one added on Oct 09, 2011
Album viewed 326 times

Least Flycatcher lefl_01.jpg

15 files, last one added on Sep 01, 2014
Album viewed 201 times

Hammond's Flycatcher hafl_01.jpg

18 files, last one added on May 25, 2017
Album viewed 226 times

Dusky Flycatcher wefl_01.jpg

23 files, last one added on May 18, 2015
Album viewed 227 times

Gray Flycatcher grfl_01.jpg

14 files, last one added on Apr 20, 2015
Album viewed 209 times

Black Phoebe blph_01.jpg

16 files, last one added on Apr 16, 2013
Album viewed 220 times

Eastern Phoebe eaph_03.jpg

9 files, last one added on Feb 12, 2008
Album viewed 201 times

Say's Phoebe saph_01.jpg

10 files, last one added on Feb 03, 2017
Album viewed 228 times

Vermilion Flycatcher vefl2.jpg

33 files, last one added on Feb 03, 2017
Album viewed 227 times

Ash-throated Flycatcher atfl_04.jpg

25 files, last one added on May 13, 2013
Album viewed 226 times

Brown-crested Flycatcher bcfl_02.jpg

13 files, last one added on May 30, 2017
Album viewed 205 times

Great Crested Flycatcher gcfl_01.jpg

1 files, last one added on Dec 10, 2007
Album viewed 192 times

Tropical Kingbird tropical-kingbird_1.jpg

6 files, last one added on Sep 11, 2012
Album viewed 271 times

Eastern Kingbird eaki_01.jpg

12 files, last one added on Jun 04, 2013
Album viewed 222 times

Cassin's Kingbird caki1.jpg

6 files, last one added on Jun 02, 2011
Album viewed 204 times

Thick-billed Kingbird thick-billed-kingbird_01.jpg

3 files, last one added on Jan 30, 2012
Album viewed 213 times

Western Kingbird weki_02.jpg

32 files, last one added on Apr 05, 2016
Album viewed 263 times

23 albums on 1 page(s)

Last additions - Flycatchers
  • western-wood-pewee.jpg
    Western Wood-Pewee47 viewsLytle Ranch, Washington County, Utah. May 26, 2017May 30, 2017
  • cordilleran-flycatcher.jpg
    Cordilleran Flycatcher57 viewsKolob Terrace, Washington County, Utah. May 27, 2017May 30, 2017
  • brown-crested-flycatcher_3.jpg
    Brown-crested Flycatcher60 viewsLytle Ranch, Washington County, Utah. May 27, 2017May 30, 2017
  • brown-crested-flycatcher_2.jpg
    Brown-crested Flycatcher44 viewsLytle Ranch, Washington County, Utah. May 27, 2017May 30, 2017
  • brown-crested-flycatcher_1.jpg
    Brown-crested Flycatcher81 viewsLytle Ranch, Washington County, Utah. May 27, 2017May 30, 2017
  • brown-crested-flycatcher.jpg
    Brown-crested Flycatcher51 viewsLytle Ranch, Washington County, Utah. May 27, 2017May 30, 2017

  • Random files - Flycatchers
    • blph_01.jpg
      Black Phoebe96 viewsTaken in Montezuma Creek Canyon, near Blanding, Utah in San Juan County. There was a pair of birds here into the summer. April 2007
    • lefl_00.jpg
      Least Flycatcher63 viewsSalt Lake International Center, Salt Lake County, Utah. September 2007
    • hafl_02.jpg
      Hammond's Flycatcher106 viewsGarr Ranch, Antelope Island State Park, Davis County, Utah. September 2007
    • eastern-kingbird.jpg
      Eastern Kingbird80 viewsRiver Lane, Utah County, Utah. May 31, 2013
    • thick-billed-kingbird_03.jpg
      Thick-billed Kingbird64 viewsChula Vista, San Diego County, California. January 27, 2012
    • hammonds-flycatcher.jpg
      Hammond's Flycatcher46 viewsAntelope Island State Park, Davis County, Utah. May 17, 2015