Tim Avery Birding.com

Utah Bird Photos

Since 1996 I have taken nearly 1,000,000 photos. Of those about 14,000 have made it to this website, including over 1,000 species of birds that have been viewed more than 400,000 times.

Waterfowl Swans, Geese, and Ducks

48 Albums
1,243 Photos
Upland Game Birds Turkeys, Grouse, Chickens, Pheasants, and Quail.

14 Albums
267 Photos
Diving Birds Loons, Grebes, Pelicans and Cormorants.

17 Albums
340 Photos
Seabirds Mostly alcids, including: Puffins, Murres, etc.

9 Albums
49 Photos
Wading Birds Bitterns, Herons and Egrets.

11 Albums
291 Photos
Diurnal Raptors Vultures, Hawks, Falcons and Eagles

23 Albums
965 Photos
Rails & Cranes Cranes, Coots and Rails.

7 Albums
121 Photos
Shorebirds Plovers, Sandpipers, etc.

42 Albums
745 Photos
Jaegers and Skuas Long-tailed Jaeger, Parasitic Jaeger and Pomarine Jaeger (no Skuas yet!).

3 Albums
78 Photos
Gulls and Terns Gulls and Terns.

35 Albums
1,178 Photos
Doves and Pigeons Doves and Pigeons.

6 Albums
115 Photos
Parrots Parrots, parakeets, etc.

4 Albums
17 Photos
Cuckoos Including Roadrunners.

2 Albums
25 Photos
Owls Owls.

14 Albums
318 Photos
Nightjars Nighthawks, Poorwills, etc.

3 Albums
26 Photos
Swifts Black, Vaux's, Chimney and White-throated.

4 Albums
44 Photos
Hummingbirds Hummingbirds.

11 Albums
263 Photos
Woodpeckers Woodpeckers, Sapsuckers and Flickers.

15 Albums
221 Photos
Kingfishers As of now its just Belted.

1 Albums
18 Photos
Flycatchers Flycatchers, Pewees, Phoebes and Kingbirds.

23 Albums
320 Photos
Shrikes and Vireos Shrikes and Vireos.

13 Albums
100 Photos
Corvids Jays. Crows and Ravens.

14 Albums
171 Photos
Swallows Swallows and Purple Martin.

7 Albums
120 Photos
Titmice and Their Allies Chickadees, Titmice, Nuthatches, and Creepers.

15 Albums
146 Photos
Wrens and Dipper Wrens and American Dipper.

10 Albums
99 Photos
Thrushes and Their Allies Thrushes, Larks, Gnatcatchers and Kinglets.

15 Albums
190 Photos
Mimids Thrashers, Gray Catbird, and Northern Mockingbird

6 Albums
51 Photos
Waxwings Starlings, Waxwings and Pipits.

5 Albums
170 Photos
Warblers Wood Warblers.

39 Albums
348 Photos
Tanagers and Their Allies Tanagers, some Grosbeaks, some Buntings and Dickcissel.

11 Albums
152 Photos
Sparrows (Emberizine) Sparrows, Juncos, Longspurs and Buntings

36 Albums
503 Photos
Blackbirds & Orioles (Icterids) Blackbirds, Meadowlarks, Grackles, Cowbirds and Orioles.

17 Albums
248 Photos
Finches Finches, Crosbills, Grosbeaks and Siskin.

16 Albums
423 Photos
Old World Sparrows House Sparrow.

1 Albums
27 Photos
Captives and Exotics Birds not occurring in the wild naturally or caged individuals.

2 Albums
18 Photos

Last additions - Birds of North America
  • arctic-tern_21.jpg
    Arctic Tern41 views1st state record. Willard Spur, Box Elder County, Utah. August 10, 2017Aug 11, 2017
  • arctic-tern_19.jpg
    Arctic Tern35 views1st state record. Willard Spur, Box Elder County, Utah. August 10, 2017Aug 11, 2017
  • arctic-tern_20.jpg
    Arctic Tern35 views1st state record. Willard Spur, Box Elder County, Utah. August 10, 2017Aug 11, 2017
  • arctic-tern_18.jpg
    Arctic Tern37 views1st state record. Willard Spur, Box Elder County, Utah. August 10, 2017Aug 11, 2017
  • arctic-tern_17.jpg
    Arctic Tern57 views1st state record. Willard Spur, Box Elder County, Utah. August 10, 2017Aug 11, 2017
  • arctic-tern_16.jpg
    Arctic Tern55 views1st state record. Willard Spur, Box Elder County, Utah. August 10, 2017Aug 11, 2017

  • Random files - Birds of North America
    • american-dipper.jpg
      American Dipper90 viewsCity Creek Canyon, Salt Lake County, Utah. January 8, 2012
    • vesper-sparrow_2.jpg
      Vesper Sparrow80 viewsKolob Terrace, Washington County, Utah. May 10, 2014
    • rufous-hummingbird_06.jpg
      Rufous Hummingbird77 viewsSandy, Salt Lake County, Utah. July 22, 2012
    • little-gull_13.jpg
      Little Gull40 viewsPowell Lake, Lehi, Utah County, Utah. May 3, 2016
    • rnsa_04.jpg
      Red-naped Sapsucker104 viewsSilver Lake, Brighton, Salt Lake County, Utah. July 15, 2008
    • nasville-warbler_6.jpg
      Nashville Warbler72 viewsSalt Lake International Center, Salt Lake County, Utah. September 7, 2014