Tim Avery Birding.com

Utah Bird Photos

Since 1996 I have taken nearly 1,000,000 photos. Of those about 14,000 have made it to this website, including over 1,000 species of birds that have been viewed more than 400,000 times.

Image search results - "February"
  • besw_01.jpg
    "Bewick's" Tundra Swan81 viewsFarmington Bay Wildlife Management Area (WMA), Davis County, Utah. February 2007
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    "Bewick's" Tundra Swan92 viewsFarmington Bay Wildlife Management Area (WMA), Davis County, Utah. February 2007
  • abto_01.jpg
    Abert's Towhee41 viewsTonaquint Park, Bloomington, Washington County, Utah. February 2006
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    Abert's Towhee33 viewsTonaquint Park, Bloomington, Washington County, Utah. February 2006
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    Abert's Towhee40 viewsTonaquint Park, Bloomington, Washington County, Utah. February 2006
  • amco_01.jpg
    American Coot86 viewsTonaquint Park, Bloomington, Washington County, Utah. February 2006
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    American Coot49 viewsTonaquint Park, Bloomington, Washington County, Utah. February 2007
  • baea_01.jpg
    Bald Eagle45 viewsFarmington Bay Wildlife Management Area (WMA), Davis County, Utah. February 2006
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    Bald Eagle45 viewsFarmington Bay Wildlife Management Area (WMA), Davis County, Utah. February 2006
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    Bald Eagle45 viewsFarmington Bay Wildlife Management Area (WMA), Davis County, Utah. February 2006
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    Bald Eagle79 viewsFarmington Bay Wildlife Management Area (WMA), Davis County, Utah. February 2006
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    Bald Eagle48 viewsFarmington Bay Wildlife Management Area (WMA), Davis County, Utah. February 2006
  • sunset_01.jpg
    Beaver Dam Slope92 viewsSunset with contrail. Beaver Dam Slope, Washington County, Utah. February 2007
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    Beaver Dam Slope71 viewsBeaver Dam Slope, Washington County, Utah. February 2007
  • beki_01.jpg
    Belted Kingfisher85 viewsLytle Ranch, Beaver Dam Wash, Washington County, Utah. February 2007
  • bcch_01.jpg
    Black-capped Chickadee102 viewsMountain Dell Golf Course, Salt Lake County, Utah. February 2006
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    Black-capped Chickadee72 viewsMountain Dell Golf Course, Salt Lake County, Utah. February 2006
  • bowa_01.jpg
    Bohemian Waxwing60 viewsHyrum, Cache County, Utah. February 2006
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    Bohemian Waxwing55 viewsHyrum, Cache County, Utah. February 2006
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    Bohemian Waxwing51 viewsHyrum, Cache County, Utah. February 2006
  • cacg_01.jpg
    Cackling Goose57 viewsUtah Lake State Park, Utah County, Utah. February 2007
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    Cackling Goose56 viewsUtah Lake State Park, Utah County, Utah. February 2007
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    Cackling Goose57 viewsUtah Lake State Park, Utah County, Utah. February 2007
  • cite_01.jpg
    Cinnamon Teal53 viewsUtah Lake State Park, Utah County, Utah. February 2007
  • hawk_01.jpg
    Cooper's Hawk100 viewsJuvenile bird. St. Louis, Missouri. February 2004
  • crth_01.jpg
    Crissal Thrasher75 viewsLytle Ranch, Beaver Dam Wash, Washington County, Utah. February 2006
  • deju_02.jpg
    Dark-eyed Junco56 viewsWoodland Hills, Utah County, Utah. February 2006
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    Dark-eyed Junco64 viewsWoodland Hills, Utah County, Utah. February 2006
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    Dark-eyed Junco59 viewsWillard Bay State Park, Box Elder County, Utah. February 2007
  • moon_02.jpg
    February 20th Almost Full92 viewsI happened to run to the store and saw the moon as it rose from behind the Wasatch. It looked absolutely huge, so I hurried back to the house and set up my camera with a 50-500mmm sigma lens and 2x teleconverter, shooting with an ISO of 200 at 1/100 of a second and f/14 f-stop. Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah. February 20, 2008
  • moon_01.jpg
    February 20th Almost Full94 viewsI happened to run to the store and saw the moon as it rose from behind the Wasatch. It looked absolutely huge, so I hurried back to the house and set up my camera with a 50-500mmm sigma lens and 2x teleconverter, shooting with an ISO of 400 at 1/250 of a second and f/11 f-stop. Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah. February 20, 2008
  • glgu_01.jpg
    Glaucous Gull42 viewsFarmington Bay Wildlife Management Area (WMA), Davis County, Utah. February 2006
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    Glaucous Gull47 viewsFarmington Bay Wildlife Management Area (WMA), Davis County, Utah. February 2007
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    Glaucous-winged Gull54 viewsFarmington Bay WMA (Wildlife Management Area), Davis County, Utah. February 2006
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    Glaucous-winged Gull48 viewsFarmington Bay WMA (Wildlife Management Area), Davis County, Utah. February 2006
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    Glaucous-winged Gull47 viewsFarmington Bay Wildlife Management Area (WMA), Davis County, Utah. February 2006
  • grpa_01.jpg
    Gray Partridge134 viewsFaust Valley, Box Elder County, Utah. February 2006
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    Gray Partridge100 viewsFaust Valley, Box Elder County, Utah. February 2006
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    Gray Partridge73 viewsFaust Valley, Box Elder County, Utah. February 2006
  • cago_01.jpg
    Greyleg x Canada Goose Hybrid57 viewsJordan River Parkway, Salt Lake County, Utah. February 2006
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    Greyleg x Canada Goose Hybrid64 viewsJordan River Parkway, Salt Lake County, Utah. February 2006
  • hola_01.jpg
    Horned Lark44 viewsNear Howell, Box Elder County, Utah. February 2006
  • hosp_01.jpg
    House Sparrow71 viewsRest Stop along Interstate 15, Millard County, Utah. February 2007
  • lbbg_01.jpg
    Lesser Black-backed Gull81 viewsFarmington Bay Wildlife Management Area (WMA), Davis County, Utah. February 2007
  • leye_01.jpg
    Lesser Yellowlegs52 viewsFarmington Bay Wildlife Management Area (WMA), Davis County, Utah. February 2006
  • lewo_01.jpg
    Lewis's Woodpecker74 viewsWoodland Hills, Utah County, Utah. February 2006
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    Lewis's Woodpecker57 viewsWoodland Hills, Utah County, Utah. February 2006
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    Lewis's Woodpecker95 viewsWoodland Hills, Utah County, Utah. February 2007
  • mall_01.jpg
    Mallard57 viewsOld Farm, Murray, Salt Lake County, Utah. February 2006
  • madu_01.jpg
    Mandarin Duck79 viewsJordan River Parkway, Salt Lake County, Utah. February 2006
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    Mandarin Duck82 viewsJordan River Parkway, Salt Lake County, Utah. February 2006
  • madu_03.jpg
    Mandarin Duck68 viewsJordan River Parkway, Salt Lake County, Utah. February 2006
  • waterfowl_01.jpg
    Mixed Flock79 viewsNice mixture here, from back left to front right: American Coot, American Wigeon, Ring-necked Duck, Redhead, Canvasback, Lesser Scaup. Red Hills Golf Course/Club, St. George, Washington County, Utah. February 2007
  • moose_01.jpg
    Moose 71 viewsMountain Dell Golf Course, Salt Lake County, Utah. February 2006
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    Moose 66 viewsMountain Dell Golf Course, Salt Lake County, Utah. February 2006
  • moch_01.jpg
    Mountain Chickadee78 viewsParadise, Cache County, Utah. February 2006
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    Mountain Chickadee70 viewsAlta, Salt Lake County, Utah. February 2006
  • md_01.jpg
    Mule Deer60 viewsEast Bay Ponds, Provo, Utah County, Utah. February 2006
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    Mule Deer53 viewsEast Bay Ponds, Provo, Utah County, Utah. February 2006
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    Mule Deer62 viewsEast Bay Ponds, Provo, Utah County, Utah. February 2006
  • muskrat_01.jpg
    Muskrat71 viewsTonaquint Park, Bloomington, Washington County, Utah. February 2006
  • nopi_01.jpg
    Northern Pintail with a Flock of Mallard57 viewsLytle Ranch, Beaver Dam Wash, Washington County, Utah. February 2007
  • nosh_01.jpg
    Northern Shrike65 viewsAntelope Island State Park, Davis County, Utah. February 2007
  • pisi_01.jpg
    Pine Siskin46 viewsAlta, Salt Lake County, Utah. February 2006
  • prfa_01.jpg
    Prairie Falcon73 viewsNear Salt Lake Valley Landfill, Salt Lake County, Utah. February 2007
  • rbsa_01.jpg
    Red-breasted Sapsucker63 viewsLytle Ranch, Beaver Dam Wash, Washington County, Utah. February 2007
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    Red-breasted Sapsucker65 viewsLytle Ranch, Beaver Dam Wash, Washington County, Utah. February 2007
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    Red-breasted Sapsucker81 viewsLytle Ranch, Beaver Dam Wash, Washington County, Utah. February 2007
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    Red-breasted Sapsucker53 viewsLytle Ranch, Beaver Dam Wash, Washington County, Utah. February 2007
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    Red-breasted Sapsucker57 viewsLytle Ranch, Beaver Dam Wash, Washington County, Utah. February 2007
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    Red-breasted Sapsucker82 viewsLytle Ranch, Beaver Dam Wash, Washington County, Utah. February 2007
  • saps_01.jpg
    Red-naped Sapsucker90 viewsLytle Ranch, Beaver Dam Wash, Washington County, Utah. February 2006
  • rtha_01.jpg
    Red-tailed Hawk63 viewsNear Thiokol, Box Elder County, Utah. February 2006
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    Red-tailed Hawk101 viewsRed Cliffs Campground, St.George, Washington County, Utah. February 2007
  • rlha_01.jpg
    Rough-legged Hawk62 viewsFarmington Bay Wildlife Management Area (WMA), Davis County, Utah. February 2006
  • rlha_02.jpg
    Rough-legged Hawk50 viewsFarmington Bay Wildlife Management Area (WMA), Davis County, Utah. February 2006
  • rcki_01.jpg
    Ruby-crowned Kinglet63 viewsLytle Ranch, Beaver Dam Wash, Washington County, Utah. February 2007
  • ssha_01.jpg
    Sharp-shinned Hawk83 viewsSwede Lane, near Utah Lake, Utah County, Utah. February 2007
  • stgr_01.jpg
    Sharp-tailed Grouse99 viewsParadise, Cache County, Utah. February 2006
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    Sharp-tailed Grouse97 viewsParadise, Cache County, Utah. February 2006
  • stgr_03.jpg
    Sharp-tailed Grouse89 viewsParadise, Cache County, Utah. February 2006
  • goose_01.jpg
    Snow Goose44 viewsUtah Lake State Park, Utah County, Utah. February 2007
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    Snow Goose39 viewsUtah Lake State Park, Utah County, Utah. February 2007
  • stja_01.jpg
    Steller's Jay64 viewsAlta, Salt Lake County, Utah. February 2006
  • surfbirds021406.jpg
    Surfbirds Gallery Feature217 viewsFeatured during February 2006.
  • trsw_01.jpg
    Trumpeter Swan55 viewsFarmington Bay Wildlife Management Area (WMA), Davis County, Utah. February 2007
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    Trumpeter Swan48 viewsFarmington Bay Wildlife Management Area (WMA), Davis County, Utah. February 2007
  • tusw_02.jpg
    Tundra Swan50 viewsFarmington Bay Wildlife Management Area (WMA), Davis County, Utah. February 2007
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    Tundra Swan51 viewsFarmington Bay Wildlife Management Area (WMA), Davis County, Utah. February 2007
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    Tundra Swan50 viewsFarmington Bay Wildlife Management Area (WMA), Davis County, Utah. February 2007
  • vath_01.jpg
    Varied Thrush54 viewsBYU Campus, Provo, Utah County, Utah. February 2006
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    Varied Thrush57 viewsBYU Campus, Provo, Utah County, Utah. February 2006
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    Varied Thrush50 viewsBYU Campus, Provo, Utah County, Utah. February 2006
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    Varied Thrush59 viewsBYU Campus, Provo, Utah County, Utah. February 2006
  • vath_01.jpg
    Varied Thrush47 viewsJordan River Parkway, Salt Lake County, Utah, February 2007
  • verd_01.jpg
    Verdin53 viewsLytle Ranch, Beaver Dam Wash, Washington County, Utah. February 2006
  • webl_02.jpg
    Western Bluebird66 viewsLytle Ranch, Beaver Dam Wash, Washington County, Utah. February 2007
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    Western Bluebird46 viewsLytle Ranch, Beaver Dam Wash, Washington County, Utah. February 2007
  • wcsp_01.jpg
    White-crowned Sparrow46 viewsRed Cliffs Campground, St.George, Washington County, Utah. February 2007
  • wtsp_01.jpg
    White-throated Sparrow35 viewsWillard Bay State Park, Box Elder County, Utah. February 2007
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    White-throated Sparrow34 viewsWillard Bay State Park, Box Elder County, Utah. February 2007
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    White-throated Sparrow30 viewsWillard Bay State Park, Box Elder County, Utah. February 2007
  • wtsp_04.jpg
    White-throated Sparrow35 viewsWillard Bay State Park, Box Elder County, Utah. February 2007
  • wodu_01.jpg
    Wood Duck66 viewsOld Farm, Murray, Salt Lake County, Utah. February 2006
  • wodu_02.jpg
    Wood Duck60 viewsOld Farm, Murray, Salt Lake County, Utah. February 2006
  • wodu_01.jpg
    Wood Duck63 viewsOld Farm, Murray, Salt Lake County, Utah. February 2007
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    Wood Duck65 viewsOld Farm, Murray, Salt Lake County, Utah. February 2007
  • wodu_03.jpg
    Wood Duck64 viewsOld Farm, Murray, Salt Lake County, Utah. February 2007
  • 108 files on 1 page(s)